A plain unmarked box. Boring old bubble wrap. How uninspired. If your customer derives more joy from popping the bubble wrap than they do from opening your package, then there is room for improvement.
Custom packaging can take your brand to the next level. It can increase your customer’s satisfaction by wowing them with beautifully designed, functional packaging. So read on if you’re interested in what custom packaging can do for your brand.
How Can Custom Packaging Expand Your Brand Presence?
A brand’s custom packaging may only be received by one person at a time, but that does not mean it will only reach that one person. The spread of information on a global scale has never been faster!
Social Media Shares
If a customer is impressed by your packaging, they may show it off on social media. Have you seen the “unboxing” hashtag on Instagram? There are thousands of influencers and users with thousands of followers who want to display packaging alone. And they do it all for free!
Unboxing videos are a great marketing tool that are only helpful when you invest in custom packaging that resonates with your brand and your customers. Social media provides a huge opportunity to grow your brand and further reach your target market.
Social media influencers build trust with their followers by revealing their own personal brand identity. So when an influencer posts a video showing off your custom product packaging, their followers are listening.
Word of Mouth
For every social media share your packaging gets, expect more word of mouth exposure. The evolution of technology has made it incredibly easy to instantly talk to other people all around the world. This has expedited how fast both positive and negative reviews of a brand can spread.
Custom Packaging Improves Branding Experience
When a customer opens your freshly received package, it may be the first time they are interacting with your product and brand. Use your custom packaging design as an opportunity to make a good first impression that will last. A positive open box experience can be the difference between keeping a customer, and losing them to another brand with a similar product.
Packaging your products in a custom branded box says a lot about who you are as a company. It tells your customer that you are dedicated to quality, care about their experience as a customer, and believe in your own product. If you throw your product into an ill fitting box that is not very functional, it may be perceived that there is a lack of attention to detail of your product as well.
Boost Brand Recognition and Reputation
A blank shipping box is wasted space. Use it to advertise! The more times your branding is featured on your packaging, the more recognizable it becomes.
People’s buying habits are moving further from brick and mortar to online purchases. This transition has been expedited due to shut downs from the pandemic. The growth of E-commerce does have its downsides as there is a much lower barrier of entry. Online customers do run into situations where they receive low quality, cheap products that were not what they were looking for. Sometimes you may not receive the product at all. A company with a strong brand presence gives customers the reassurance that they are getting the quality they are looking for consistently. Customers are likely willing to spend the extra money for this guarantee.
Strong brand recognition and reputation helps companies draw in, and keep, new customers.
Take the Next Step
When shipping your next product, think about how the customer will feel when opening it. Does this experience express the feeling, or message you want your brand to portray? If not, then their experience could certainly be enhanced through creative custom packaging. Get in touch to see how we can help boost your brand to the next level!