Custom Packaging Capabilities and One Off Printed Mock-Ups
All too many times we hear, “I wish I would have talked to you before we designed our box!” As consumers we have all seen bad packaging. The corrugated boxes are crushed, product is damaged or you simply look at a graphic design and have no idea what is in the package!
I like to use the example of a simple custom packaging that’s remained strong over the last ten years unnoticed. In club stores, companies like to see there name plastered all over the traditional club store trays. The reality is that most club stores purchases are spontaneous. We couldn’t resist the large resealable bag of macadamia nuts for $9.95. The top spot at most Costco stores is a big yellow tray with big bold black print that says “ Beef Jerky.” This product has been there for years. No one cares who makes it. They care what it is and what is in the corrugated tray. If you are selling your product in a retail environment and flash your custom packaging at someone who has never seen it for 3 seconds, would they know what is in the box? Try it.
The bottom line is we like to solve packaging problems before they go to production, not after. We will always have a sample done, complete with printing before you go to the manufacturing stage. With Peek Packaging you will know exactly what your custom packaging and branding will look like before saying yes.
We can provide structural samples, die lines, graphic design, 3D renderings, deviated pricing, pallet configurations, and consulting services.
Contact a design expert about Custom Packaging at Peek Packaging today, 760-438-1616.

5″ Panel Rte TTAB- Tuck Top Auto Bottom Plastic Corrugated Crate Dispenser Box 6 Color Custom Corrugated Acrylic Display Clam Shell Blistercard 4 Corner Beers Trays with Lid EPS White Foam Floor Display Litho Laminate For Costco Roll End Tuck Top RSC Plain RSC 1 Color RSC 2 Colors Set Up Box Single Face Laminate Stand Up Pouch STE Tuck Top Auto Bottom